
  • A36 A36 A53 Q345 Uglerod teng burchakli temir galvanized temir burchagi

    A36 A36 A53 Q345 Uglerod teng burchakli temir galvanized temir burchagi

     commonly known as angle iron, is a long steel with two sides perpendicular to each other. There are equal angle steel and unequal angle steel.The width of two sides of an equal angle steel is equal. The specification is expressed in mm of side width × side width × side thickness. "∟ 30 × 3" kabi, ya'ni yonma-yon chekish, 30 mm va yonma-yon qalinligi bilan teng burchakli po'lat. Uni model bilan ifodalash mumkin. The model is the centimeter of the side width, such as ∟ 3 × 3. The model does not represent the dimensions of different edge thicknesses in the same model, so the edge width and edge thickness dimensions of angle steel shall be filled in completely in faqat modeldan foydalanishning oldini olish uchun shartnoma va boshqa hujjatlar. Issiq oyoq ostidagi burchak burchagi po'latining spetsifikatsiyasi 2 × 3-20 × 3 ni tashkil qiladi.

  • Sifatli issiq bug'li karbonat uarl c kanal po'latdan yasalgan qora temir

    Sifatli issiq bug'li karbonat uarl c kanal po'latdan yasalgan qora temir

    Joriy jadval Evropa standartini anglatadiU (ORN, TRANS) kanallar, Secn po'lat profilini (UNN nuri), texnik xususiyatlari, xususiyatlari, o'lchamlari. Standartlar bo'yicha ishlab chiqarilgan:

    Din 1026-1: 2000, NF A 45-202: 1986 yil
    En 10279: 2000 (toksiklik)

    STN 42 5550
    Čt 42 5550
    TDP: STN 42 0135

  • Upn80 upn100 a572 Q255 Q355 A36 A36 issiq rulonli po'latdan

    Upn80 upn100 a572 Q255 Q355 A36 A36 issiq rulonli po'latdan

    Joriy jadval Evropa standartini anglatadiU (ORN, TRANS) kanallar, Secn po'lat profilini (UNN nuri), texnik xususiyatlari, xususiyatlari, o'lchamlari. Standartlar bo'yicha ishlab chiqarilgan:

    Din 1026-1: 2000, NF A 45-202: 1986 yil
    En 10279: 2000 (toksiklik)

    STN 42 5550
    Čt 42 5550
    TDP: STN 42 0135

  • Din men shaklidagi po'latdan past carbon h Beam Q235 Q345B PREST Steel Men nur

    Din men shaklidagi po'latdan past carbon h Beam Q235 Q345B PREST Steel Men nur

    The IPN beam, also known as an IPE beam, is a type of European standard I-beam with a specifically designed cross-section that includes parallel flanges and a slope on the inner flange surfaces. These beams are commonly used in construction and structural engineering for their strength and versatility in providing support for various structures such as buildings, bridges, and industrial facilities. Ular yuqori yuk ko'tarish qobiliyatiga ega va ishonchli ishlashi sababli turli xil dasturlarda keng qo'llaniladi.

  • Yuqori sifat H16 X 101 150X150X10 Q235 Q345B issiq rolli iPe Hea HeB EBR en h-shakllangan po'lat

    Yuqori sifat H16 X 101 150X150X10 Q235 Q345B issiq rolli iPe Hea HeB EBR en h-shakllangan po'lat

    HEA, IBT va IE HEMA Evropa standartlari uchun belgilar (i-nur) bo'limlari.

  • En standart hajmi h Bore po'lat hea ibe i trame iPR iPR × 150 H Beam narxi

    En standart hajmi h Bore po'lat hea ibe i trame iPR iPR × 150 H Beam narxi

    HEA, IBT va IE HEMA Evropa standartlari uchun belgilar (i-nur) bo'limlari.

  • IRN Standarm IPN Beam 100 mm 20mm s235JR SS400 SS400 i nurim

    IRN Standarm IPN Beam 100 mm 20mm s235JR SS400 SS400 i nurim

    The IPN beam, also known as an IPE beam, is a type of European standard I-beam with a specifically designed cross-section that includes parallel flanges and a slope on the inner flange surfaces. These beams are commonly used in construction and structural engineering for their strength and versatility in providing support for various structures such as buildings, bridges, and industrial facilities. Ular yuqori yuk ko'tarish qobiliyatiga ega va ishonchli ishlashi sababli turli xil dasturlarda keng qo'llaniladi.

  • ASTM A36 burchakli bar past uglerod po'lat

    ASTM A36 burchakli bar past uglerod po'lat

    Odatda burchakli temir sifatida tanilgan, bir-birlariga perpendikulyar ikki tomon bilan uzun po'lat. Teng burchakli po'lat va teng bo'lmagan burchakli po'lat, teng burchakli po'latning ikki tomonining kengligi tengdir. The specification is expressed in mm of side width × side width × side thickness. Such as “∟ 30 × 30 × 3″, that is to say, equal angle steel with side width of 30mm and side thickness of 3mm. Uni model bilan ifodalash mumkin. The model is the centimeter of the side width, such as ∟ 3 × 3. The model does not represent the dimensions of different edge thicknesses in the same model, so the edge width and edge thickness dimensions of angle steel shall be filled in completely in faqat modeldan foydalanishning oldini olish uchun shartnoma va boshqa hujjatlar. The specification of hot rolled equal leg angle steel is 2 × 3-20 × 3.

  • EQaysar- tikilgan po'lat - bu Evropa stantsiyasi IPE (i-nur) bo'limlari uchun belgilar.

  • ANGLEP STEL ASTM Uglerod teng burchakli temir po'lat shakli engil po'latdagi burchak bar.

    ANGLEP STEL ASTM Uglerod teng burchakli temir po'lat shakli engil po'latdagi burchak bar.

    Burchakli po'lat, odatda, bir burchakli temir deb tanilgan, bir-birlariga perpendikulyar ikki tomon bilan uzun po'lat. Teng burchakli po'lat va teng bo'lmagan burchakli po'lat, teng burchakli po'latning ikki tomonining kengligi tengdir. Spinsifikatsiya yon tomon kengligi × yondagi kenglik × yon qalinligi. "∟ 30 × 3" kabi, ya'ni yonma-yon chekish, 30 mm va yonma-yon qalinligi bilan teng burchakli po'lat. Uni model bilan ifodalash mumkin. The model is the centimeter of the side width, such as ∟ 3 × 3. The model does not represent the dimensions of different edge thicknesses in the same model, so the edge width and edge thickness dimensions of angle steel shall be filled in completely in faqat modeldan foydalanishning oldini olish uchun shartnoma va boshqa hujjatlar. Issiq oyoq ostidagi burchak burchagi po'latining spetsifikatsiyasi 2 × 3-20 × 3 ni tashkil qiladi.

  • UPN80 / 100 po'lat profil U shaklidagi kanal asosan qurilishda ishlatiladi

    UPN80 / 100 po'lat profil U shaklidagi kanal asosan qurilishda ishlatiladi

    Joriy jadval Evropa standartini anglatadiU (ORN, TRANS) kanallar, Secn po'lat profilini (UNN nuri), texnik xususiyatlari, xususiyatlari, o'lchamlari. Standartlar bo'yicha ishlab chiqarilgan:

    Din 1026-1: 2000, NF A 45-202: 1986 yil
    En 10279: 2000 (toksiklik)

    STN 42 5550
    Čt 42 5550
    TDP: STN 42 0135

  • Uglerod po'latida qo'riqlanadigan plitalar 4 mm uglerod po'latida qurilish materiallari uchun metall varaq hosil bo'lgan

    Uglerod po'latida qo'riqlanadigan plitalar 4 mm uglerod po'latida qurilish materiallari uchun metall varaq hosil bo'lgan

    Tekshirilgan po'lat plitalar - bu chuqurlashtirilgan tutatuv va tortishishni ta'minlaydigan, yuzmada ko'tarilgan olmos yoki chiziqli naqshlar qo'yilgan po'lat varaqlar. Ular odatda sanoat taxtalari, yo'l-yo'lakay, zinapoyalar va sirli qarshilik juda muhimdir. These plates come in various thicknesses and dimensions and can be made from carbon steel, stainless steel, or other metals, offering versatility and durability in a wide range of industrial and commercial settings.